Dance as a lens through which to understand the world.
Welcome to my gallery, explore my projects to learn more about my dance works.

Zjana Muraro Laban Theatre performers Adam Moore, Ashley Handel, Irene Gimenez, Nico Migliorati Music Alex Paton

Rambert Dance London dancer Irene Gimenez

Dancer Zjana Muraro

Dance for Camera performer & film editing Zjana Muraro Music Alex Paton

Director & MoCap Artist Zjana Muraro Dancers Mia Labuschagne, Maria Rocha e Sousa, Tom Wohlfahrt, Ioanna Bili

( Untitled X+3 ) The Place London Dancer, Choreographer, Director Zjana Muraro Actress Gabriela Flarys Filmmaker and VJ Reynir Hutber Music Matt Kirk, Caterina Dos Santos, Ged Flood Rehearsal coordinator: Gianna Burright A dance work about the line between fake and real, questioning how we can see the difference. A show about having more possibility than opportunity. About unrealized dreams. And about how no matter the chaos around us, we just must still keep dancing. The Place, London(2017)

Stone Nest London Zjana Muraro in collaboration with Architectural Associates of London

7th Movement and Computing Conference  Rutgers University, New Jersey July 2020 Explorations of motion capture data for Choreographers Somatics based dance choreography and computer programming for live performance

Zjana Muraro Dancers Sarah Xiao and Sylvie Coax Hong Kong at Sheung Wan Culture Centre 2017 Music by musicians Darja Janošević and Ranko Maric Dresses designed in collaboration between Ophelia Jacarini and Mahka fashion gallery Lighting design by Zooey Yao Li

Zjana Muraro Performance Studies MA Tisch School of the Arts 2015

Cricket Championship Games performances in Bangalore India Dancer Zjana Muraro

Glitch A theatre dance performance that uses distorted projection generated live in real-time through an interconnected loop of improvisation between dance movement and live music. The music's amplitude and frequencies generate the projection using only a webcam. Creative code originally developed by Chris Vik Reimagined and redesigned for the stage by Zjana Muraro Live music performance Alex Paton Dance performance Zjana Muraro

Zjana Muraro

Zjana Muraro somatics in digital times

Dance Studies Association Conference Vancouver, October 2020 (cancelled) London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, July 2020 (online) ​